Search of low-mass WIMPs with a p-type point contact germanium detector

W. Zhao, Q. Yue, K. J. Kang et al.
Search of low-mass WIMPs with a p-type point contact germanium detector in the CDEX-1 experiment

Phys. Rev. D 93, 092003 (2016)

The CDEX-1 experiment conducted a search of low-mass (<10 GeV/c2) weakly interacting massive particles dark matter at the China Jinping Underground Laboratory using a p-type point-contact germanium detector with a fiducial mass of 915 g at a physics analysis threshold of 475 eVee. We report the hardware setup, detector characterization, data acquisition, and analysis procedures of this experiment. No excess of unidentified events is observed after the subtraction of the known background. Using 335.6 kg-days of data, exclusion constraints on the weakly interacting massive particle-nucleon spin-independent and spin-dependent couplings are derived.