Y. Wang, Z. Zeng, Q. Yue et al.
First experimental constraints on WIMP couplings in the effective field theory framework from CDEX
Sci. China-Phys. Mech. Astron. 64, 281011 (2021)
We present weakly interacting massive particles (WIMPs) search results performed using two approaches of effective field theory from the China Dark Matter Experiment (CDEX), based on the data from both CDEX-1B and CDEX-10 stages. In the nonrelativistic effective field theory approach, both time-integrated and annual modulation analyses were used to set new limits for the coupling of WIMP-nucleon effective operators at 90% confidence level (C.L.) and improve over the current bounds in the low mχ region. In the chiral effective field theory approach, data from CDEX-10 were used to set an upper limit on WIMP-pion coupling at 90% C.L. We for the first time extended the limit to the mχ<6 GeV/c2 region.